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By Rich Trzupek
  My bride enjoys telling the story of her first Chicago election. She jumps in her car, flips on the radio and soon hears a public service ad for the Election Fraud Hotline.
  Not having grown up in Chicago, Cheryl was amazed to discover that there were places in America where an Election Fraud Hotline was not only necessary, lifetime residents didn’t find it at all disturbing that such a thing was necessary.
  I grew up in the 10th Ward on Chicago’s far southeast side, where political corruption was a part of life. I didn’t know that there were places in the nation where politicians were not corrupt. 
  The corruption in Chicago then and now was associated with a single party: the Democrats.  And it’s not just Chicago. Democrats have controlled many of Americas big cities for decades and corruption is a way of life in many of them; Detroit, Philadelphia and Baltimore providing just a few examples.
  I’m not suggesting that the Republican Party is immune to corruption. The last Republican mayor of Chicago, Big Bill Thompson is considered by many the most corrupt person to ever occupy that office, which is saying something. The point is rather that in ceding control of so many large municipalities to a single party for so long, we have ignored the truism that absolute power corrupts absolutely.
  As a sidebar, I cannot even begin to imagine how many side deals are going to be made now that the Cubs have made the World Series. I suspect that the pressure on Tom Ricketts to come up with tickets for key components of the Chicago Machine will be absolutely enormous.
  When one has sole control of a product for which there is a limited supply and great demand, the value of that product goes up by orders of magnitude. When the value of a product goes up by orders of magnitude, corruption becomes more attractive and more pervasive. 
  World Series tickets worth tens of thousands of dollars guarantee that the corrupt politicians who run Chicago will acquire and distribute as many of them as they possibly can. Inner-city votes that can decide what will be a closely fought Presidential election are equally valuable and the corrupt politicians and lobbyists who run many of our large cities will work as hard as any Chicago aldermen to guarantee the “correct” result.
  In the last Presidential debate, Donald Trump said that he would wait until the election actually occurs to judge whether or not it was carried out fairly. He didn’t say that he would lead a rebellion. He didn’t say that he dispute the results. He said that he would wait to offer judgement about how fair the election actually was once the election was over.
  Trump’s refusal to unequivocally sign off on the results of an election yet to be decided drove the Mainstream Media into a frenzy. That’s not a surprise, when one considers that 96 percent of journalists who have chosen to contribute to a Presidential candidate this year have sent their cash to Team Hillary.
  The Main Stream Media and the rest of the left promptly went into full hysteria mode, labeling Trump a threat to democracy and a domestic insurrectionist, among other things. Apparently the Donald was about to stage a coup or something.
  At the same time, Project Veritas, the creation of rebel journalist James O’Keefe, released videos of two Democrat operatives openly talking about – bragging about – committing voter fraud. One of the highlights was one of them mocking Republicans for complaining about Dems bussing in out-of-state voters to try and tip elections in battle-ground states. What were the Republicans whining about, one mused, after all the Dems had been doing that for “fifty years”.
  Team Hillary fell all over themselves to disown the operatives as unimportant contractors, even though one of them, Robert Creamer, has visited the White House 342 times during the Obama administration. 
  Win or lose, Trump is absolutely right in bringing the electoral corruption that infects so many of our big cities to light. The system is rigged and the MSM knows it’s rigged, if only they had the integrity to report it.
  e-mail: rich@examinerpublications.com



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