Cheap Seats 2017Dust in the Wind - 01/03
By Rich Trzupek
It is somewhat unfair to pick on one reporter, when I am morally certain that many other... Dreaming - 12/20
By Rich Trzupek
Let me start out by saying that I really like Father Bill Zavaski. Father Bill, a retire... Managing the Middle East - 12/13
By Rich Trzupek
Perhaps someone knows how President Trump’s domestic policies and decisions will u... I Never Knew - 12/06
By Rich Trzupek
Even at the tired old age of 58 a fellow can find himself exposed to a new bit of knowle... Mondays - 11/29
By Rich Trzupek
On Monday, January 29, 1979 .22 caliber rounds fired by an unknown shooter hit targets a... Disarray - 11/08
By Rich Trzupek
If we are to be fair, both major political parties are in disarray at the moment. It wil... Saints and Sinners - 11/01
By Rich Trzupek
Christ Church in Alexandria, Virginia was the church that George and Martha Washington atten... Irreconcilable Differences - 10/25
By Rich Trzupek
When I listened to General John Kelly’s impassioned plea to move beyond politics i... Leaving Las Vegas - 10/18
By Rich Trzupek
As people continue to speculate about Stephen Paddock’s motive for the horror he u... High Contrast - 09/27
By Rich Trzupek
I’m back home after spending a week on the east coast, helping an auto-shredder ge...