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News & Photos

To Submit News .....

How to get press releases, announcements, and notices of future school events in the The Examiner

To get publicity for your school and its activities, please send the information to our office no later than 9 a.m. of the Monday before the Wednesday edition of The Examiner in which you would like it to appear. Please send as a Word document to: news@examinerpublications.com

How to request an The Examiner photographer or reporter.

To request one of our photographers to come to your school for an event, please contact Bruce at (630) 830-4145 Ext. 112, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., or via e-mail to: news@examinerpublications.com

Submitting your own material to the The Examiner.

We welcome the electronic submittal of articles from any schools located in the areas the The Examiner covers. We ask that you adhere to the following guidelines:

1. Send articles as attached Word Documents or pasted into the email. Make certain that the author is identified. Do not embed the pictures for the article in the Word document. Attach them as individual .jpg files.

2. For best results, send photos at 200 dpi resolution and preferably 6 inch by 8 inch, or 5 inch by 7 inch standard size. All images be technically competent (properly exposed, sharply focused and adequately composed).

3. Always send photos in color and uncropped!

4. If you have Photoshop, please embed the cutline (caption) information into the "file info" for each photo. If not, please attach a separate Word document with captions for all the photographs submitted along with who took the photo. Please make certain that these captions are keyed to the photos so we know which caption goes with which photo.

5. Cutlines should include a description of what is happening, when it happened and the name(s) of those in the picture, first name AND last name, their grade level or ages. Make certain that you tell us who is who in the photo. Give position information, right, left, center, top bottom, middle for any photo with more than one person. Images be accompanied by a brief descriptive write up of the event. This could be a separate Word document or be contained within the e-mail sending the images.

6. Submit articles via e-mail to: news@examinerpublications.com. Please make certain that the name of the school and the village or city in which is it located is identified.

7. We cannot guarantee that all submitted articles and pictures will be published and cannot promise that articles will be published in specific editions. We will, however, do our best to accommodate the wishes of our contributors. The Examiner reserves the right to edit any and all submitted articles and pictures.

To Submit Photos .....

Below is an outline of requirements for submissions from independent sources.

In the event we do not have a photographer at an event, we will accept images from a courtesy source, however, with consideration to the following requirements:

1. All images be technically competent (properly exposed, sharply focused and adequately composed).

2. For best results, send photos at 200 dpi resolution and preferably 6 inch by 8 inch, or 5 inch by 7 inch standard size.

3. Any individuals appearing in the images must be fully identified with first and last names, not titles such as "Mr. Smith". Captions must also clearly indicate which image they pertain to and be linked to the file name/number of the images being sent.

4. Images be accompanied by a brief descriptive write up of the event. This could be a separate Word document or be contained within the e-mail sending the images.

5. If you are sending information regarding an event, including a submission without images as a "press release" type document, please insure to provide all key information such as who, what, when, where, and why. Data should be factually provided in as brief a form as possible.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation and hope you enjoy seeing your event in The Examiner.

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